I'm not your typical financial planner; actually that is why I don't call myself a financial planner. (However, I seem to always get lumped into this category.)
So what am I? I look at myself as an accountability specialist and a solution finder. Overall, I believe people and businesses know how much they need, and I believe people and businesses know when they are overspending. Where I come in is person who reminds them regularly of these boundaries.
For 15 years I worked within my family business in charge of Human Resources, Marketing, Business Development, Sales, Training, and Customer Support. After selling our family business, I decided to focus on 4 areas:
- Budgeting Your Life. Only 1 in every 10 people in the US have an annual spending plan, and even fewer have a detailed and documented cash flow. I help you build a monthly budget and show you how your net worth grows by sticking to the budget. My process is easy to follow and easy to execute which I believe are the keys to a successful program.
- Retirement Planning. How much do you need to retire the way you have dreamed? Let.s figure it out. Once we know your number, I will help you plan to reach your goal, and they I will show you ways to spend after retirement to make sure that you always have money.
- Business Benefits. No matter how big or small your business is, a successful benefits program can be developed. After 15 years negotiating benefits for a 350+ employee business I know what business owners want, comprehensive Benefits at a low cost. Now is the time to review your 2 largest employee program . Health Insurance and Retirement Planning.
- Business Expense Controls and Sales Growth. Over the last 5 years many businesses have contracted and owners have been forced to wear more hats. Rather than hire a CFO, Human Resource Director or a Sales Manager, I can help. Together we can work on the direction and goals, and I will work with you to make sure they are accomplished.
One word to you, don't call or email me if you don't want to be held accountable. I believe in results. Success only happens with ACTION!!!